About Us


Trystereo is an all-volunteer harm reduction collective based in New Orleans, Louisiana. We were founded in 2011 to affirm the dignity of people who use drugs and to address limited resources in our community. We operate on the principles of harm reduction to offer material, educational, and advocacy support to people who use drugs and their communities in southeastern Louisiana.


At Trystereo, we work to ensure that people who use drugs can do so safely, and can feel empowered to learn more about preventing injury and transmissible disease. We recognize that intersecting systems of oppression exacerbate the harms caused by the war on drugs, and are working towards a destigmatized and decriminalized landscape with a safe drug supply in our lifetimes.

Writing about Harm reduction or drug use?

Contact us at NolaHarmReduction <at> gmail <dot> com.

You can also check out the media guide from our friends at the Iowa Harm Reduction Coalition.

Or you can take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions.