Founded in 2011, we are an all-volunteer harm reduction collective. We operate a free, mobile public health resource for people who use drugs in southeastern Louisiana.


new orleans harm reduction network

Trystereo is an all-volunteer harm reduction collective based in New Orleans, Louisiana.

We were founded in 2011 to affirm the dignity of people who use drugs and to address limited harm reduction resources in our community. We run a mobile and street-based syringe access program that provides fresh syringes and injection supplies, wound care kits, naloxone, education and linkage to care.


What We Offer

Supply kits for safer injection, smoking, and snorting, and condoms, with education about safer drug use and health.

Naloxone, the opioid overdose antidote, available for free with opioid overdose prevention and reversal training.

Wound care kits and trainings available upon request.

Choose from one of our curriculum topics or request a custom training from our expert harm reductionists.

TEXT HOTLINE: 504-535-4766

We are NOT an emergency service

If you are experiencing a mental health or drug-related crisis, please contact the 24/7 crisis response team.

New Orleans, St. Bernard, and Plaquemines call 504-826-2675.

Jefferson Parish call 504-832-5123.